Group/Business Name * Contact Name * First Name Last Name Email * Mailing Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Booth Selection * Note - Booth prices will increase by $10 +card processing fee AFTER APRIL 1st. This increase will be reflected when you purchase your booth after completing the registration. Single Booth (10x10): $40 CSACOC & Rotary members / $60 non-members Double Booth (20x10): $55 CSACOC & Rotary members / $75 non-members Do you need electricity? * Yes - I understand that electricity is limited and available on a first come first serve basis No Do you have a booth location request? All exhibitors will provide their own tables, chairs, display items and backdrops. * I Agree The school has limited wireless capability for exhibitors to use * I Understand All exhibits shall be kept neat in appearance and in good taste. The Community Night Committee reserves the right to regulate all exhibits * I Agree Setup is Thursday, April 18th from 4-5:30pm. Doors will be opened to the public at 6pm. I Agree Community Night hours are from 6-8pm. We request that all exhibitors have liability insurance and may be required to provide a copy. * I Agree Exhibitors are required to clean their display area when vacating Community Night. Tear down is from 8-9pm. There will be NO early tear down as it is disruptive to the other exhibitors. * I Agree Parking - Please enter and park at the west side parking lot of CS High School, unless special arrangements have been made with the Community Night Committee. We reserve the main high school entrance for attendees. * I Agree Door prizes are optional. If you would like to offer door prizes, you may do so. Contacting winners is the sole responsibility of the business offering the prize and will not be announced at the event. * I Agree Food Providers - If you are serving food to the public, you must follow Kent County Health Code Standards and obtain any permits that are required. * I Agree Payment is required to secure your booth and booths are assigned on a first come first serve basis with no refunds. After submitting this application, you will be redirected to purchase your booth. * I Agree Thank you! Community Night Vendor Application